
Wheat Flour of Extra Class, Extra. Packed to paper packages of 2, 3, 5, kg. Produced according to TS U 15.6 – 00687474 – 001 : 2007

Wheat Flour of Extra Class. Packed to paper packages of 2, 3, 5, kg. Produced according to 46.004 – 99

Вілія-Екстра Untitled-2 Untitled-1jpg

Peeled barley No. 2

Produced according to GOST 5784-60. Net weight 900 g

Wheat grain, No. 1

Produced according to TS U 15.6-31496816-001; 2011. Net weight 900 g

Broken grounded peas

Produced according to GOST 6201-68. Net weight 900 g

Broken barley No. 2

Produced according to GOST 5784-60. Net weight 900 g

ячмінна пшенична Перлова img2-14